Director of Tokyo Water Institute
Water from mountain lakes and streams has long been known to be the healthiest water in the world and unlike distilled water, which is dead, this water can be called "living water."
When an atom or molecule gains or loses an electron, ionization occurs. When water is ionized, the molecule splits into two parts, the hydrogen ion (H+) and the hydroxyl ion (OH-). These ions combine with other solutes in water, often minerals like calcium or potassium, to create an active chemical reaction.
When water carries more hydrogen than hydroxyl ions it is said to be acidic; when hydroxyl ions predominate, then science calls water alkaline. Our blood system is always working to keep itself at that critical pH of 7.4. This process is called homeostasis.
When we drink popular soft drinks like colas, which have an acidic pH of 2.5, the bloodstream does not lower itself to that level. Rather, sugar and other elements of the drink is process by the blood into acid wastes; some are eliminated, and others are stored at various locations in the body.
What is it causes us grow old?
Several theories exist today and they all seem to have one thing in common; they cannot stop, hinder, or slow down the ageing process. They certainly have not produced better health and they have not answered the question of why we age.
Yet there is another theory of ageing and illness that has been around for many decades. A few doctors and nutritionists in the US and Europe, but mainly by doctors and scientists in Japan, Korea, Asia and other Pacific Rim countries voice it. Briefly, this new theory says that that ageing and many diseases result from the accumulation of acid waste products in the body.
Poor diets, either a present one or one in the past, can cause acid wastes to be stored in the body. A meat and potato diet for example, can cause the body to become more acidic.
When acid wastes enter our bloodstream, the blood, in order to maintain that narrow pH range will store them somewhere else. Acid salts stored in the body, over the decades, will overburden the system.
A way has to be found to rid the body of wastes, so that alkalizing the bloodstream can treat adult diseases
Western medicine does not attempt to remove acid wastes from the physiological s ystem; so today's modern medicine is deficient in treating adult diseases.
Even if medicines cure the disease, and the acids are not removed form the body; the treatment's effectiveness will only be temporary.
Bad diets, including meat and potatoes, fried foods, refined bread, soft drink colas and sugars, build up acid salts in the body. Often these deposits, by having to be stored away from the blood flow, can remain in the body for decades.
Stress, both mental and physical, can create acid deposits in the body. Mental stress can make you feel depressed.
While the physiological, scientific connection to stress in the body has not been completely established, there exists a school of thought in psychology, called psychosomatic, which maintains that one's mental state will influence health.
Doctors in Japan, following more than forty years of research and testing, believe that daily drinking of alkaline water can lift depression.
Lets look at some of the healing benefits of drinking ionized alkaline water.
Obesity is a major health problem in America. It arises from the overeating of carbohydrates and fats.
When the metabolic process is not able to burn them away, the blood must place these fatty acids somewhere. It first stores them under the skin, around the waist in men, and around the hips, thighs and breasts in women.
Then it deposits wastes around organs and tissues, which then receive a smaller supply of nutrients and are thereby damaged.
This second stage is more deadly.
An easy gentle way to lose weight is to wash fatty acids out of the body by drinking six to eight glasses of alkaline water a day.
This practice has been employed in Japan for the last thirty years, and doctors there record numerous instances of weight loss.
Dr. Keiichi Morishita in his book, "The Hidden Truth of Cancer", states that if the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity, and their cells begin to die.
Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal; these are called malignant. Malignant cells do not respond to brain commands. They undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is called cancer.
Modern medicine in America treats these malignant cells as if they were bacteria or viruses. It uses chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to treat cancer.
Yet none of theses treatments will help very much, if after all the acidic environment remains.
Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer, and in Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients.
As the body consumes toxins, the kidneys become over burdened with acid wastes. Nephritis, uremia poisoning, and bladder problems are all acid related conditions, which can be treated by the consumption of alkaline water.
Kidney stones begin as tiny specks and they gradually build into solid stones, composed of phosphates, urates and others. They are another form of acidic salts.
Drinking plenty of alkaline water will prevent kidney stones from forming, and even after their formation, it can dissolve them. Japanese doctors have used alkaline water for years to treat the kidneys.
Alkaline water is produced using electrolysis to electrically split filtered tap water into alkaline and acid water. The machine first developed in Japan in the early 1950's, and approved for use a medical device by the health and rehabilitation ministry in 1966. The ionized minerals in tap water are important. Common alkaline minerals are sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium; the common acid minerals are chlorine, lead, sulphur and phosphorous.
The water ionizer has two chambers, with positive and negative electrodes. When the process is complete, one chamber provides alkaline water with its ionized alkaline minerals. This is what we drink, the water that is so healthy for us.
Alkaline water, having a pH of between 9 and 11, will neutralize harmful stored acid wastes, and if you consume it every day, will gently remove them from your body. Yet, since the water is ionized, it will not leach out valuable minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium or sodium.
A man worried about the effect of the prescription drugs he was taking for overweight began consuming two quarts a day. After six months, he had thrown away his drugs, and had lost over thirty pounds.
Alkaline water experiences; a woman in her forties under high stress was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was told she had abnormally high cholesterol levels. She began consuming one and a half quarts a day of alkaline water. After a few weeks, both her cholesterol and blood pressure were lowered; and as an added benefit, her stomach began to feel much better.
A teenager with severe acne began drinking the water and after three months, the condition was cleared up. He consumed two quarts a day of alkaline water.
In California, a man had been suffering from super acidity for many years, and after eating a meal would unpredictably vomit. He began consuming six glasses of the alkaline water per day. Within a week his acidity ended; he also lost fifteen pounds in three months, and discovered a dramatic rate of increase in his ability to heal small ailments, like cuts and bruises.
A woman had suffered constipation for thirty years, and began drinking the water on a regular basis, and completely rid herself of this condition. She had also lacked an appetite for years, but has now developed a healthy one.
One man, who likes to consume alcohol moderately, noticed when he began consuming the water on a regular basis that he quit suffering hangovers, and the drowsiness he regularly experienced had left him.
A female athlete in her twenties began consuming the water for a stomach condition; she felt an increase in her general energy level, and after a day of strenuous training, found that the alkaline water minimized the aches and pains she had always previously experienced.
For years, a woman had suffered ulcers, and was feeling nauseous from her medication; a regular consumption of the water allowed her to cease her medication and the ulcer to go away.
One could go on and on with these stories, and there are many more, but what we suggest you do is simply try the water yourself.
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